
07 Apr, 2021

Virtual Training Accountability

See the opportunity in every challenge!

Not letting the current lockdown situation be an excuse for not exercising, this amazing lady and her family used the opportunity to in fact regain their fitness.

"It’s been about 4 years since I did FIRE and ICE with Alina. I stopped because I was blessed with a pregnancy, but due to its high risk I wasn’t able to train anymore.

Since the birth of our little girl I have just been making the most of being a mum and living the ‘mum’ life, which typically means putting myself and my needs last! Over the last couple of years I’ve tried to figure out how I can get back training with Alina, but it was just too hard. I now have a child to consider, the 40km distance I used to traveled seemed a world away now, and we own one car, so I just couldn’t see how it could be possible.........until she went virtual!!!

Talk about a silver lining to the crazy time we are living in!!! Now my husband, 14 year old nephew (who is in self-isolation due to asthma) and I have been loving our workouts with Alina from home! It’s just like the good old days just minus the beautiful beach and deadly sand dune runs!!!!

We are so grateful to have the opportunity to train with Alina again, and hope the virtual training will continue after everything goes back to normal again. We also look forward to joining in on the beach when we can"

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