P 0416 784 686

Mark's Story

"Stop Wasting Time - Act Now!!"


The results speak for themselves!!

Consistency, consistency, consistency = Mark's secret key to results

“Having just completed my 2nd Metabolic Transformation program, I have learnt so much about myself and what I am actually capable of; I've even surprised myself!

My reasons for getting fit and losing weight have been many and varied in the past, having gone from very fat to very fit and back again, always lacking consistency. Alina has taught me that by being consistent and following the MP program you will get the results you have always dreamed of!

I am currently working for a community transport organisation taking clients to medical appointments at doctors surgeries and hospitals every day. I believe lot of these people would be fitter, healthier and happier if they had followed the same program Alina has guided me through with Metabolic Precision. I could see what my future would look like if I didn't do something – prevention is better than cure.

What Alina has taught me is that by following the MP program it is possible to lead a lead and healthy life up until a very ripe old age without flogging yourself for hours and hours at the gym or going on calorie restrictive diets. Sounds too good be be true??...well it is true!!

I look great, feel great and have more than enough energy to get through the day without having those sugar cravings and low energy levels most people experience throughout the day.

Being a qualified personal trainer and having trained my own clients in the past, I wish I had discovered MP years ago as I believe it would have been able to deliver better and more consistent results to my clients.

The five most important things I have learnt are:

  • Be consistent
  • Preparation is key
  • Stop wasting time – act now!
  • Stay focused
  • Find your why!! Why do you really WANT this?

Finally, I would like to thank Alina for her expert guidance and 100% care and attention to detail she puts into her clients. If you follow the program you will be truly rewarded with the body you want and the energy and vitality you have always craved for. If you don't believe me, just look at the photos.

Are you ready to step up and commit to having the body, health and energy levels you deserve?”

Mark, you are amazing!! All your hard word, dedication, commitment and focus truly shows – you look FANTASTIC!!! You are the perfect example of the results that can be achieved. Well done, I'm so proud of you!!

Contact ALINA ANDERSON : 0416 784 686